We are in the final lap of the LIFT 4 Autism Auction!
The bids are coming in fast and furious, and we are SO excited to see just how much GOOD the romance reading community is gonna do!
A few reminders as we enter this last day of bidding – Friday:
1. Bids close at 5pm EST. The highest bidder at that time is the winner.
2. Bid on/browse items: charityauction.bid/lift4autism3. All the details are here: https://lift4autism.com/the-lift-4-autism-auction-open-for-bidding/
3. All the details are here: https://lift4autism.com/the-lift-4-autism-auction-open-for-bidding/
4. Teespring Campaign: (All $ to KultureCity
5. Any-Amount Tax-Deductible Donation:https://bit.ly/2JLKLuP
6. FAQ: https://lift4autism.com/auctionfaq/
Thank you for LIFT-ing with us!!!